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Tag: Entrepreneurship
Garratt Hasenstab – Resource Blockchain

Garratt Hasenstab – Resource Blockchain

“As an experienced advisor and advocate in the sustainability space, I see blockchain technology as an enormous advancement in driving global environmental, social and governance (ESG) policies forward given that some of its greatest attributes include its abilities to facilitate authenticity, transparency and trust. Since sustainability and other ESG goals require transparency, in both processes and results, global government and business leaders can now leverage blockchain as the immutable record of proof that their efforts are being successfully implemented and are having the anticipated impact they intend, thereby elevating consumer trust while achieving meaningful goals for the greater good such as fair trade, social equity and environmental protection.”

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Ali Parandeh Zandpour – Trainer & Speaker

Ali Parandeh Zandpour – Trainer & Speaker

“Every now and then technologies change some sectors forever. Blockchain is set to bring the transparency factor that has long been overdue in the management of Real Estate and in particular Home Owners Associations.”

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Axel von Goldbeck – DWF Germany

Axel von Goldbeck – DWF Germany

“In our developed world, for blockchain solutions to be successful, they need to be not only a little better than centralized solutions, but a lot better.”

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Brock Freeman – Kirkland Capital Group

Brock Freeman – Kirkland Capital Group

“FIBREE is filling an understanding gap between the real estate and blockchain technology worlds, and is well positioned to shape and lead the global conversation on blockchain’s optimal use cases for real estate; I wanted to be a part of that,” stated Freeman, “It’s about driving adoption, awareness, and change management — with blockchain impacting the future of the entire real estate industry.”

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Eric Bryant – DataTree

Eric Bryant – DataTree

“As an Educator, and a Coach, I took it upon myself to learn everything I could about Blockchain with the intention of bringing that knowledge back to the participants in our Industry.”

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Walter Strametz – element36.io

Walter Strametz – element36.io

“Blockchain and new laws that with come with it, enable the real estate industry to digitize many of their legacy processes to do things faster, better and more efficient. Be it selling property, proove usage of sustainable material, create do-it-yourself crowd funding projects or new investment models, like smart investment contracts for sharing rental income.”

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Dr. Jan Veuger – Saxion University of Applied Sciences

Dr. Jan Veuger – Saxion University of Applied Sciences

“The true meaning of blockchain technology for real estate still needs to be investigated. I remain curious to understand and clarify the value of Blockchain for real estate processes. Doubt continues to exist and is therefore a feeding ground for further research, because we do not know what we have not seen.”

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