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Dr. Jan Veuger – Saxion University of Applied Sciences

Interview featured by blocksquare.io

This interview is part of a series of conversations with leaders in blockchain for real estate, so our community can learn how blockchain is impacting real estate directly from experts worldwide.

Next up? None other than Dr. Jan Veguer, appointed Professor of Blockchain at the Saxion University of Applied Sciences, Schools of Finance & Accounting, Creative Technology and School of Governance, Law and Urban Development. Jan is also the President of the Academic Board at FIBREE, editor of the Real Estate Quarterly Research The Netherlands, member of four Super Advisory Boards and the Scientific Editorial Board at CIRRE. As someone who focuses on Blockchain and its impact on the new economy and society, we believe he is the perfect individual to restart our series of interviews with industry experts.

“The true meaning of blockchain technology for real estate still needs to be investigated. I remain curious to understand and clarify the value of Blockchain for real estate processes. Doubt continues to exist and is therefore a feeding ground for further research, because we do not know what we have not seen.”

Dr. Jan Veuger

Q: Jan, how did you get involved in blockchain?

A: In 2017 I started a study on disruption, blockchain and real estate which showed that relatively little or no research was done in this area while it would have a major impact on the real estate world. From this research a number of international lectures were given which showed that there is much need for more knowledge about real estate and blockchain. For me this has resulted in the authoring of a number of new research papers, publications in journals and books.

Q: How do you see blockchain technology impacting real estate?

A: Blockchain’s impact on real estate can be enormous. In Europe, we already have many real estate issues in order, but often not outside. There is therefore a great need for Blockchain to have confidence in transactions in and around real estate, as recent research (Veuger 2019) has also shown.

Q: What are you focusing on right now?

A: The Saxion Blockchain research group where I am involved in conducts interdisciplinary research into which issues Blockchain is suitable for, under which conditions, for which organisations Blockchain is interesting and what the impact is on organisations. The group develops methods and tools for Blockchain applications and their implementation.

Q: What are your thoughts on the future of blockchain?

A: A question that remains is to continue to look at existing markets or disruptive innovation newcomers in the blockchain market. The question is whether blockchain is only a technological disruption or a real game changer and whether the entire value chain of the market is going to embrace this. Confidence in blockchain is therefore a precondition for guiding that disruption where (new) companies use new technology to offer cheaper and superior alternatives in the market. But the big question is how quickly blockchain will develop as well as all its applications.

Q: One final thought for our community at Blocksquare?

A: The way in which blockchain and real estate will develop in the coming years are not that obvious. The true meaning of blockchain technology for real estate still needs to be investigated. I am still curious to understand and clarify the value of Blockchain for real estate processes. Doubt continues to exist and is therefore a feeding ground for further research, because we do not know what we have not seen.


Denis Petrovcic

CEO at Blocksquare.io / board member at fibree.org / Creative thinker / Entrepreneur / Adventurer

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