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Working Group
Unique Object Identifier
Before DLT can have more added value, it is important to have an optimized data-infrastructure for the built environment that enables better interoperability of dynamic real estate data. The real estate life cycle stretches over multiple decades and the industry chain is very fragmented. Accurate data up-keeping in such a situation and – as a result – data-reliability is sub-optimal. How can in a growing data-landscape information-exchange be engineered in a more efficient way, according to design and system-engineering principles of Industry 4.0? A Unique Object Identifying-system (UOI), could be a key infrastructure element to that. This FIBREE UOI Working Group aims to discuss research-output and best practices about UOI or information exchange, that is brought together via the FIBREE regional chapters network.
This site is about the internal FIBREE UOI Working Group. Apart from this FIBREE UOI-initiative, FIBREE is leading an international D2I2-initiative and a Dutch public-private initiative to develop a globally applicable UOI-systematics.
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FIBREE has special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC) since 2022
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