Newsletter Archive
If you want to find out more about the past newsletters of FIBREE? Check out the links below. If you are curious what is going on within the industry and the network of FIBREE you can register to our newsletter at the end of this page.
Newsletter #1/2021
February 19, 2021
As everyone gets more and more used to the various online events that are replacing the offline exchange of knowledge we are very happy to see that our FIBREE Global Webinar Series ( is well received.
In order to provide even further access to information for our community we also joined forces with other strong partners like UNISSU with their RE:Connect format and with Blockchain Expo World Series and their global events. I only can recommend to use these opportunities to engage with blockchain experts from around the world.
The preparation for the 2021 FIBREE Industry Report just got started and it is again the time of the year to look into what blockchain activities in the field of real estate are under way and what are the regional differences in adopting the technology. Any company that wants to claim a spot in that space please sign up via our webpage – or have a look in our advertisment packages ( .
Newsletter #2/2020
October 15, 2020
In response to the circumstances that the FIBREE community is currently still limited to online events, I like to introduce to you the new monthly FIBREE Webinar Series, that will start on October 29th, 2020 (more information below).
In this online format we will bring to you the recent developments from within FIBREE presented by our working groups, regional chapters or the Academic Board. In this series we will present a rather international perspective that is complementary to the online meetups that are still organised by our regional chapters.
We are also very happy that our 2020 FIBREE industry report was again received very well. Due to the many requests we are currently working on translating the report into Mandarin and Spanish in order to serve our constantly growing network better.
There are of course many other activities at FIBREE that you can either read about below or listen to at one of our online events. Don’t hesitate to engage and become a free member of the FIBREE community!
Newsletter #1/2020
April 07, 2020
During these days it is very difficult to talk about anything else but COVID19/Corona. Of course these times are also challenging for FIBREE as we are built upon our global meetup network and around the personal exchange between people. But it was great to see how quickly our regional chapters adapted to the situation and all recent meetups have been held online – as all upcoming events will also be only online until the end of this crisis.
As there is a constant exchange between our chapters, it was very interesting to see how the different countries were reacting to the COVID-19 outbreak and how this regional experience was shared across the global FIBREE network. In order to utilise this potential we decided to create a COVID-19 global response team within FIBREE. This working group will explore where we can help fighting the crisis best. Updates about this you will find on our webpage.
I am also happy that I can announce our new cooperation with The University of Nicosia (UNIC) that gives our network access to their online courses of the blockchain program with a reduction of 25% (code: FIBREE25). Something that can come very handy, during a lockdown.
Newsletter #3/2019
October 28, 2019
With our two biggest events so far – the FIBREE World Summit, Vienna and the MIPIM PropTech, Paris – and especially with the presentation of the first FIBREE Industry Report, we could vividly demonstrate what our network is able to achieve – and that only one year after its creation.
The focus of the second half of 2019 is much more inward looking.
In order to prepare the organization for future tasks we created an Academic Board and set up working groups that will focus on specific topics areas. With these actions we are responding to the growing need in the industry to provide answers to concrete questions – ideally with a proposed solution at hand. With changes in the FIBREE board we are also responding to the growth of the network in the USA.
When dealing with new technologies and innovation not many things are sure – you can only be sure that changes will happen. When looking at our international, decentralized network I am very glad to see with how much enthusiasm changes are embraced and I am very confident that we are in a very good position to come up with answers to some of the pressing questions in our industry!
May 14, 2019
There are two events coming up that are currently drawing most of our attention.
One is our first WORLD SUMMIT in Vienna, that takes place on May 21st, 2019 where the FIBREE regional chairs will meet and discuss next years agenda.
The other is the presentation of our first FIBREE industry report at the MIPIM PropTech in Paris on July 1st, 2019. It’s exciting to see how much interest the work of the FIBREE network is receiving and I am very optimistic that this will even increase after these events.
I also like to use the opportunity to welcome our new FIBREE chapters, that joined since our last Newsletter:
Mustafa Shinnar (Dubai), Gary Brandeis (Philadelphia), Paul Huelsmann and Marc Driessen (Hamburg), Alexander Appelmans (Belgium), Cody Weiss (Calgary), Garratt Hasenstab (Denver), Kevin O’Grady (London), Stephen Inscoe (Moscow), Kornel Kalocsai (Hungary)
And some existing chapters received support through additional co-chairs:
Sebastian Steimer (Stuttgart), Yael Tamar and Ido Shacham (Israel), Dominik Alphart (Vienna), Miguel Linera Alperi and Alfredo Diaz-Araque Moro (Spain)
FIBREE is now active at 40 locations in 25 countries – thanks to all of you for creating such a vivid and constantly growing community!
Newsletter #1/2019
March 4, 2019
It have been an exciting last seven months for FIBREE and everyone who was involved in starting and growing the network. With this newsletter we want to share the progress and our activities with all of you. I am constantly awed by the dynamic and enthusiasm that I encounter every day with FIBREE participants and I hope you draw the same inspiration out of this newsletter.
If so, please feel free to reach out to myself or your nearest regional chair and get involved in how FIBREE is shaped. Also – don’t miss the chance to connect in person at our first WORLD SUMMIT ( in Vienna, at the 21st of May 2019.
FIBREE has special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC) since 2022
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